Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Flowers for Feb: bottles with a sunflower

Since I painted so fast in class, took the time to paint this. I'll post the others too. Enjoy:


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Flowers for Feb: random wild flower

Long night at the studio and while jamming our new song. I searched for random odd flowers and found this. Enjoy:

60/365 cg

Monday, February 27, 2012

Flowers for Feb: Hibiscus

Even with the worlds biggest headache, painting is a must! Tonight's painting is a Hibiscus flower. There seen everywhere in Florida!!! Enjoy

59/365 cg

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Flowers for Feb: Pond with lotus and coy fish

Use to have one of these ponds way back. Had it in my mind today so I had to paint. Used water colors again. Came out smooth. Enjoy:

58/365 cg.

Flowers for Feb: blue rose

After a long night of drinks, this image came to mind. Used water colors and rushed to get it done. Enjoy

57/365 cg

Friday, February 24, 2012

Flowers for Feb:

More water color painting. Today marks the first time ever where I've run out of paper and canvas for everything. Tomorrow I should make a run and re stock up in supply's. Enjoy tonight's painting.

56/365 cg

Flowers for Feb: Lotus

Longest night in the studio, while mixing and hearing my bands new song "For Your Design" this flower came to mind. Still using water colors. Enjoy:

55/365 cg

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Flowers for Feb: Roses

A little late on posting this, But pushed myself last night to do it. back to water colors. like how smooth and the colors react to the paper. enjoy:

54/365 cg.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Flowers for Feb: small plant with flowers.

Tonight I used water colors, using the same skills with acrylic paints. Enjoy:

53/365 cg.

Post Card Project: 50 states

So heres the project for next month, while painting more stuff. I need everyones help on this. Im going to need a post card sent to me from each state. On the post card one word that expresses what your feeling and the persons name. ( just in case they want it back and I can thank them for it ) What Im going to do is paint on the card to match the word and set them all together and post it as one huge artwork. Ill set up the mail box for them and post everything once I'm ready. So start posting on here which state you can help me out in. Thank you 


Monday, February 20, 2012

Couldn't sleep painting...

Cant sleep, so I painted this.... Enjoy:


Flowers for Feb: Digital flower

During photography class, which I should have been paying attention too. I started painting on my laptop. first with photoshop then later tonight with Painter 12. I have no tablet yet so this is all done with the laptop pad. I still need more work. Enjoy.

52/365 cg.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Flowers for Feb: Anthurium

I think the names right, not sure. These are one of my mothers favorite flowers, so i had to paint some for her. Enjoy:

51/365 cg.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Meaning of Daisies in my dream:

To dream of walking in a field of daisies represents good luck and prosperity. Someone will be there to offer you a helping hand and some guidance for your problems. 


Flowers for Feb: Daisy's

Took the worlds longest nap today and during this nap. I was in a field full of this flowers, so I had to paint it. Also note, I have to research what it means...... hopefully good. Enjoy:

50/365 cg.

Flowers for Feb: Sunflowers

Every day I try to find different flowers to think of and paint. While eating sunflower seeds, this painting came to mind. also almost fell asleep on top of it while painting it. enjoy:

49/365 cg.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Flowers for Feb. Rose or some type of rose..

Haven't done a rose yet, this is close to one but my last painting for Feb should be a rose. We'll see how that turns out. Enjoy: 

48/365 cg.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Window to the outside...

Had in my mind this idea for a bit, A window and snow with trees at the same time. Would love to see snow one day! and Hopefully soon. Enjoy:

47/365 cg.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Morning speed painting.

Woke up and wanted to paint early in the morning, so I did under 15 min!! getting better but still need a ton o work... enjoy:


Flowers for Feb. Pond

Since I've been paint flowers these few days, its officially Flowers for Feb. Tonight had a pond on my mind. also note done under 30 min. speed is getting better. Enjoy:

46/365 cg.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The flower everyone sees in their science book....

One of the worlds craziest flower ever. Read it smells like dead animals and meat gone bad... just a random flower I wanted to paint. Also tomorrow Vday.... wish I could spend it with a someone I think of every day... enjoy:


Bon Iver - Holocene

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A tree I've been seeing a lot lately....

Right as I think bed time, boom I get hit with this. Ive been seeing this three lately with others around it gone with no leafs. so i did my best and paint it. On a good note, my speed is getting better. Enjoy:

44/365 cg.

Flowers around Coral Springs....

Spent the most of my day driving around Coral Springs while looking for flowers. This is what I found today... Enjoy:


After living in south florida for 20 years.....

Still not attending the Florida Renaissance Festival.... Todays project, photography: plan on using my Pentax 1980 K1000 35mm camera. plus on a good note woke up smiling. Wish I could enjoy this day with someone I think of every day....


Cold night in springs....

Even during the coldest night, I still got sunshine on my mind. No matter what mood I'm in, painting cures everything.... but at the same time, I miss the feeling.... enjoy:

43/365 cg.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Albert Einstein quote of the night!

“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.” 

One of my photos on AP Altpress website!!

Awhile back I took photos for Full of Hell at our wear house and now its on AP Altpress. Im in shock and so happy right now!!  check it out!!

best night ever!!!


The moon....

Had this on my mind for awhile, well since wednesday night after class. I plan on painting at the beach at night. This is just a rough idea at the moment of what it would look like. enjoy:

42/365 cg.

Wood shop 101...

After a full week of waiting. My drafting table is done. Hand made with the old man. No more painting on the floor. My back is very thankful for this. take a look....


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Jimmy Eat World - Hear You Me (Virgin Mobile FreeFest 2010)

Song for tonights painting!

Flowers for Feb....

For some reason I have flowers on my mind for this month. don't know why..... Enjoy:

41/365 cg.

CG Designs & Photography......almost up and running!

Working on helping locals get art work, designs and photography without having to pay an arm and a leg for it. nervous and scared.....but I have a feeling this goal could be reached!!

check it out:



Went out with a few friends and while one of them was unload there bag of stuff. I took a photo of a keychain. Enjoy:


Memoria shoot part 2

These are the single shots I took of my band. Enjoy...
